Presenting my work

All about conferences

During my PhD studies, I had many opportunities to introduce turtle-associated microbes to diverse scientific minds. Here you can find the posters, slides, and photos connected to some of the events.

18th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME18)

August 2022 - this symposium was held in Lausanne, Switzerland with more than 2000 attendees. I presented a poster: Filek et al. “More than just hitchhikers: a survey of bacterial communities associated with diatoms originating from loggerhead sea turtles”.

FEMS Conference on Microbiology

June 2022 - FEMS Conference on Microbiology was held in Belgrade, Serbia and I gave a talk on my work performed during my stay at Ghent University (diatom-associated microbes and co-cultures).

Left: me excited for the conference; middle: The Victor monument; right: the amazing sunset over Sava and Danube in Belgrade.

7th Croatian Crongress of Microbiology

May 2022 - 7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology was held in Sv. Martin na Muri, Croatia. I presented more about bacterial communities associated with loggerheads.

9th Conference of Mikrobiokosmos

2021 December - 9th Conference of Mikrobiokosmos was held in Athens, Greece, I gave a talk on endozoic bacterial communities in oral cavities and cloaca of loggerhead sea turtles.

Left: me presenting; right: my colleague Lucija and I before the poster fell on us due to strong Greek winds.

Online International Diatom Symposium

2021 August - The International Diatom Symposium was supposed to be held in Yamagata, Japan but alas the pandemic has stricken. Here I presented a poster on diatom co-cultivation (as at MLD6) but here I won a 1st prize for my work..

The Molecular Life of Diatoms 6 (MLD6)

2021 July - This meeting was held online due to pandemics and I presented the first results on diatom co-cultivation experiments performed in Ghent, Belgium.

World Microbe Forum

2021 June - World Microbe Forum was one of the largest online meetings I attended. Here I presented a poster on microbial communities of diatom cultures, the preliminary work done in Ghent, Belgium.

The Molecular Life of Diatoms 5

2019 July - This was my first congress/meeting (Norwich, UK) where I got to present some of the results in epizoic diatom phylogeny. Here I was awarded a 2nd prize for my poster!

Left: documenting the poster and award; middle: one of the odlest pubs in Norwich; right: Natural History Museum in London.